Kaiser International Health Group Inc. is registered as a health care provider. Kaiser is far more than an HMO. While most HMOs cater to both group and individual accounts, Kaiser's product is geared to address the
long-term health care needs of individuals especially after their employment and retirement years. It will provide you a healthcare coverage beyond 60 years old.

Kaiser is duly accredited with the Department of Health (DOH). Kaiser is likewise, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on June 08, 2004 as a Health Care Provider with an Authorized Capital Stock of Php 160M.

International Marketing Group (IMG) is the exclusive broker of Kaiser Healthcare products.

Secure your Future with KAISER 4-in-1 INVESTMENT.

Panoorin, Pakinggan at Unawain ang video na ito as I explain more about How Kaiser Long-term Care and it's Investment works! Looking forward na maintindihan mo din at ma-consider ito as one of your investment vehicle.


A Kaiser Ultimate Health Builder plan has 3 periods: A 7-year savings period, a 13 year growth period and the maturity period.

1st Period: Accumulation or Saving Period

Year 1 to Year 7

For the first 7 years you will be paying for the plan. During this time, it works like a typical HMO wherein you have an annual benefit usable for hospitalization expenses. These are also a couple of benefits, like:

• Benefit of free Annual Physical Examination after one year of payment.

Physical Examination, Chest X-Ray, Routine Fecalysis, Routine Urinalysis &Complete Blood Count. ECG for Members above 35 and Pap Smear for Female Members above 35 years old or as required.

• Benefit of free Dental Check-up and basic dental procedures.

• Term life Insurance (up to age 75) with accidental death and dismemberment riders.

• In-Patient benefits in accredited hospitals except for pre-existing conditions and dreaded diseases, up to the plan's yearly medical benefit limit. Member's choice of room and board.

• Waiver of installment/ Premium due to death/ total and permanent disability. 

2nd Period: Extended or growth Period

Year 8 to year 20

During this phase, you have completed all the payments and all you have to do is wait and let the plan reach its 20th year (maturity). At this point your plan will have a starting cash value that you can also use for your medical expenses. Your money is invested during this period.

• Yearly Health Care Hospital Benefit Limit: 10% of the Long Term Care Benefit Value earned starting from the end of the Accumulation Period and every year thereafter up to the 20th year.

• Term life Insurance (up to age 75) with accidental death and dismemberment riders.

• In-Patient and Out-Patient Hospitalization Benefits subject to remaining member accumulated fund.

• Additional Yearly Health Care Hospital Benefit: Accumulation of unused Health Bonus at 3-13% per year.

3rd Period: Maturity or Long-term care Period

Year 21 onwards

At the plan’s maturity at 20th year, several bonuses will be awarded like the guaranteed Long Term Care Benefit plus the Long Term Health Care Experience Incentive (85% of the premiums) will be returned to you if you didn’t use the plan during the earlier stages. Here, the cash value of your investment would also be good as cash- meaning you can use it for anything, not just hospitalization and medical expenses.

In comparison to other providers is that at this period, Kaiser stands out because most healthcare providers are already too expensive by the time you reach your 40s or even 60s. On the other hand, your money with Kaiser has already accumulated and depending on the plan you chose, your Total Health Benefits would be upwards of P500,000 all the way to several millions.

What are the features and benefits?

The Ultimate Kaiser Health Builder Plan is a healthcare plan that allows one to control his own health and provide for his own future. It. is an actuarially-sound, product-based business. It brings together the best features of an HMO, Health Savings Plan, and a financial investment.


Guarantees long-term care even after the age of sixty when the client has only himself to rely on. Issue age up to 60, but coverability extends after 60.


An accumulative, self-earning investment that comes with Return of Payment (85%) for non-utilization in the first seven (7) years of coverage


Payable in 7 years only with fixed rates for the entire paying period


Outpatient benefits, free annual physical examinations and free dental coverage

Flexible, upgradeable within 30 days and reinstatement can be done within 2 years after lapsed policy       


Annual lifetime healthcare benefits from years 8 to 20 accumulate with interest in a "Health Savings Account" which can earn interest beyond 20 years. Benefits can be used up to any age.


1. Term Life
2. Accidental death and dismemberment
3.Waiver of Installment due to death
4. Waiver of Installment due to permanent and total disability.

3-in-1 Product
(Healthcare, Insurance, Investment rolled into 1)

How much do I need to pay?

The premium or payment depends on your age and the plan that you will choose. Here is a pre-computed table (Plan k-45 to k-200) to show you some of the plans available. There are other plans available. You can create your own sample proposal and choose a Kaiser Plan that you want by clicking the button below:

How can I start my


You should be atleast 10 years old to 60 years old to avail.

All Filipinos can avail, even OFWs.

You can avail even if you have existing illness and it will be subject for approval.